What To Expect

Once onboarding is complete, the first few days are all about learning how Bulletproof works within your email app. Check out the tool tips below to help you understand how it works:
Drag emails you want to be approved here.
Move emails you want to be approved here.
Send someone an email and they will automatically be approved
Drag emails here if you never want to see them again.
Move emails here if you never want to see them again.
This is where emails from unknown senders go. We recommend checking your Bp: Evaluating folder once a day
Take control of your inbox directly from your email app
The "drag & drop" process to move emails also works on mobile.
For mobile-
- Press the "..." menu button in the top right corner
- Select "move"
- Press "Bp: Approved" or "Bp: Blocked" to change the status of future emails from that sender.
This example shows a Google (gmail) address within the Apple mail app.
Send someone an email and they will automatically be approved
Drag emails you want to be approved here.
Move emails you want to be approved here.
Send someone an email and they will automatically be approved
This is where emails from unknown senders go. We recommend checking your Bp: Evaluating folder once a day
Drag emails here if you never want to see them again.
Move emails here if you never want to see them again.
Drag emails you want to be approved here.
Move emails you want to be approved here.
Send someone an email and they will automatically be approved
Drag emails here if you never want to see them again.
Move emails here if you never want to see them again.
This is where emails from unknown senders go. We recommend checking your Bp: Evaluating folder once a day.
Apple Mail
Take control of your inbox directly from your email app.
See it in action
For Desktop-

For Mobile-

- Press the "..." menu button in the top right corner
- Select "move"
- Press "Bp: Approved" or "Bp: Blocked" to change the status of future emails from that sender.
Take control of your inbox directly from your email app.
NOTE: Bulletproof is compatible with the Apple mail
app (as long as the email address is hosted by Gmail or Microsoft)
See it in action
For Desktop-

For Mobile-

- Select the desired email you wish to update
- Select "Move Message"
- Press "Bp: Approved" or "Bp: Blocked" to change the status of future emails from that sender.
Take control of your inbox directly from your email app.
See it in action
For Desktop-
For Mobile-

- Select the desired email you wish to update
- Press the move to folder symbol in the bottom middle
- Press "Inbox" or "Bp: Blocked" to change the status of future emails from that sender.

The path to a clean inbox is simple

Upon Sign Up
Domain Review

(Optional) Approve/block which domains have access to your inbox

First 3 Days
Adapt to Your New Inbox

Continue to drag and drop senders into the appropriate folders

After 1 Week

Review any requests you have received and update the status of senders as needed.

After 2 Weeks
Sharp Drop in Unwanted Email

Continue to look for Bulletproof notifications and move emails into the appropriate folders.

After 1 Month
Your Inbox Should be Fully Optimized

Spam, Phishing attempts and unwanted emails should be dramatically less. Continue to approve or block new senders as needed.


What happens to emails that are neither ‘Approved’ nor ‘Blocked’?
Emails from new senders will go to your ‘Bp: Evaluating’ folder. New senders will automatically receive an inbox request form so you can learn why they want to contact you. When new senders complete the inbox request form, you will receive a reminder email and see the request(s) in your Bulletproof dashboard. You can update a sender within the ‘Bp: Evaluating’ folder to ‘Approved’ or ‘Blocked’ at any time.
How do I update my Approved Sender List?
There are 5 main ways to update your Approved Sender List:
Watch Video Tutorial

1. Move the Email Within Your Email App or Web Browser
For Desktop-
- Drag an email to your inbox to approve all future emails from that sender
- Drag an email to your ‘Bp: Blocked’ folder to block all future emails from that sender
- The "Drag & Drop" process works for the following web browser/desktop apps: Gmail, Outlook, Apple mail.
This process works for moving emails within your inbox, “Bp: Evaluating” and “Bp: Blocked” folders.
For Mobile-
Gmail App:
1. Select the desired email you wish to update
2. Press the “...” menu button in the top right corner
3. Select “move”
4. Press “Bp: Approved” to send all future emails to your inbox 
5. OR press “Bp: Blocked” to block all future emails from that sender
Outlook Mail App:
1. Select the desired email you wish to update
2. Press the “...” menu button in the top middle
3. Select “Move to Folder”
4. Press “Bp: Approved” to send all future emails to your inbox 
5. OR press “Bp: Blocked” to block all future emails from that sender
Apple Mail App:
1. Select the desired email you wish to update
2. Press the left arrow button (2nd from the right) on the bottom menu
3. Select “Move Message”
4. Press “Bp: Approved” to send all future emails to your inbox 
5. OR press “Bp: Blocked” to block all future emails from that sender
2. Send an Email
When replying to an email or sending a new message to a specific email address, we’ll automatically create an approved sender.
3. From Your Request Dashboard
You can approve or block an inbox request from the Request’s tab at bulletproofinbox.com
4. From Your Sender’s Page
1. Go to the Approved senders list at bulletproofinbox.com
2. Find the specific sender, then change the status to approved or blocked 
3. Or click “Add Sender”, then add the new sender as either approved or blocked
5. From Your Domain’s Page
1. Go to the Approved sender list at bulletproofinbox.com and navigate to the “Domains” tab
2. Find the specific domain, then change the status to approved or blocked 
3. Click “Add Domain”, then add the new domain as either approved or blocked
If I have rules set up to filter emails in my inbox, what happens to those emails?
Rules you have enabled in Gmail or Outlook will work as normal. If you have a rule set to move certain emails to a specific folder, the rule will still be applied and the emails will be moved to the correct folder.